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Smash Taunts

Smash Taunts are special Easter Egg taunts in the Super Smash Bros. series. They can only be triggered by certain characters on certain stages by pressing the Down Taunt for a split second (about one frame), after which they will kneel to trigger a conversation with other characters (usually) from their native series. Of course, many of these conversations lead into chuckle-worthy moments.

Smash Taunts can only be triggered by the Star Fox characters (Fox, Falco, and Wolf) on their franchise's stages from Melee onwards, Solid Snake on Shadow Moses Island in Brawl, note They did return in Ultimate, but sadly there weren't any new ones recorded, only reusing the recordings from Brawl. and Pit on Palutena's Temple in For 3DS/Wii U and Ultimate. This page will be more focused on Snake's Codecs and Palutena's Guidances. (Sorry, Star Fox fans.)

For unofficial Smash Taunt listings, see here.

Moments pages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.

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    Codecs (Brawl)

All of Snake's Codecs are pretty hilarious. The ones listed here are some favorites. (Click here for the codecs as played in Ultimate.)

  • Their insight on Captain Falcon:
  • On Lucario:

    Snake: Ah… The cornered rat will bite the cat… sounds like trouble.
    Mei Ling: Hey! When did you become so good at proverbs?!
    Snake: Ugh… You must have rubbed off on me.
    Mei Ling: Well, come back in one piece, and I'll teach you all the Chinese proverbs you can handle.

  • Oh God, Luigi's:

    Snake: That guy with the mustache…
    Colonel: Ha. You mean the "King of second bananas"?
    Snake: Hey, that's Luigi! Show him a little respect!
    Colonel: Look at that pale skin. He's been living in his brother's shadow for too long.
    Snake: That's a low blow, Colonel!
    Colonel: Ah, face it, Snake! Once a kid brother, always a kid brother!
    Snake: Colonel, what's gotten into you?!
    Colonel: La li lu le lo! La li lu le lo! La li lu le lo!
    Snake: Colonel, snap out of it! Colonel! COOOOOOOOOOLONEEEEEEEEL!

    • Luigi's Codec call is already funny enough on its own, but the implication that The Patriots see Luigi as a threat is hilarious simply for how absurd it is.
    • The transition for the Colonel to get back to normal after Luigi knocks out Snake (provided you do it at just the right time, of course) makes it even more hilarious by comparison.
  • On Marth, these two lines:

    Mei Ling: Snake, have you heard the saying "politics make strange bedfellows"?
    Snake: Don't tell me that's a Chinese proverb.

    • After that however, it becomes less funny.
  • Meta Knight's:

    Snake: What kind of weirdo puts their face on the bow of a ship, anyway?
    Mei Ling: Maybe he's a little narcissistic. Kind of like someone else I know…
    Snake: Really… And who would that be?
    Mei Ling: Use your imagination…

    • Gets Hilarious in Hindsight after Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Liquid puts his, Snake's, Big Boss', and Solidus Snake's faces on a ship.
  • On Olimar:

    Mei Ling: Snake, have you ever heard the ancient Chinese story, "The Vain Ocean Of Wealth"?
    Snake: I've been waiting for the movie.

  • Discussing Peach and her relationship to Mario:

    Mei Ling: But still, don't you think it's romantic? I mean, to have a guy who's always there for you?
    Snake: If he was smart, he'd tell her to stop getting kidnapped.
    Mei Ling: …You don't get a lot of dates, do you, Snake?

  • Pikachu's:

    Mei Ling: I was wondering. Could you maybe try and catch Pikachu for me? Pleeeeeease?
    Snake: Ugh… Give me a break! What do I look like, a Pokémon Trainer?
    Mei Ling: Fine… Sorry I asked.

    • Earlier in Pikachu's codec, Mei Ling explains that it can shock Snake with electricity. Snake then says that it couldn't be worse than Revolver Ocelot's torture device.
  • Pit:

    Otacon: He used to be a weakling, but countless trials over the years have toughened him up.
    Snake: By trials, you mean "Game Overs"?
    Otacon: Yeah, you should know all about that.

  • On the Pokémon Trainer's Pokémon:

    Colonel: Let's do this together, partner.
    Snake: Whatever you say, Colonel.

    • Even better in context. (Colonel has just delivered a spiel on how soldiers and commanders rely on each other for maximum effectiveness, effectively making them a team. Snake is… skeptical of this viewpoint.)
  • Jigglypuff:

    Snake: Aw, there's a big eyeball walking around here…
    Colonel: That's just Jigglypuff.
    Snake: Jigglypuff? That some kind of marshmallow?

  • Oh lordy, Sonic:

    Snake: *grumbles*
    Otacon: Snake, what is it?
    Snake: Something about that hedgehog rubs me the wrong way.
    Otacon: …oh, you mean Sonic the Hedgehog! But everyone loves Sonic! He's a big star! Do you have any idea how excited people are that he's here in Brawl?
    Snake: Yeah, I know, but there's something about him I just don't like.
    Otacon: But…why? You must have some kind of reason?
    Snake: …nope. Just don't like him.

    • The Wild Mass Guessing this has spawned is incredible. So far, the most prominent theory seems to be that this is an Actor Allusion; Snake's Japanese voice actor's father voices Dr. Eggman.
  • One simple line on Wolf:
  • And finally, Zero Suit Samus:

    Snake: Mei Ling, Samus took her clothes off!
    Mei Ling: That's just her in the Zero Suit, Snake.
    Snake: Without that bulky Power Suit, she's gotten a lot more agile… You know, I bet if I took off all this heavy gear I could catch her.
    Mei Ling: Uh, yeah, you wish. Even without the Power Suit, all that training she did with the Chozo has made her a super athlete. I don't think a normal human could ever keep up. Just look at her.
    Snake: …Her loss.

  • "Copy, Snake! This is Slippy!" note For context: for Falco's codec call, Slippy hacks Snake's comm channel just to do the exact same thing his support team would normally do. Even better is Slippy doing the "Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!" bit.
  • Kirby:

    Otacon: Snake! Watch out!
    Snake: For what? That pink marshmallow?

  • Wario:
  • And this line about Bowser:

    Colonel: Careful, Snake! That's the great and powerful Bowser!
    Snake: Bowser? Looks like a cheap movie monster.

  • Link:

    Snake: Gear is only useful when it's used at the right time and place. Just lugging a ton of it doesn't do you any good.
    Otacon: …I, uh… I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Snake.
    Snake: What's that supposed to mean?
    Otacon: You tell me, Mr. Utility Belt.
    Snake: *grumbles*

  • Yoshi:

    Snake: Now you've got me curious. How about I capture [Yoshi] so we can see what it tastes like?
    Otacon: Ugh, Snake… note For context, Snake and Otacon had been discussing how Yoshi lays eggs and throws them, causing Snake to assume Yoshi is a female, only for Otacon to correct him and add that Yoshi speaks as well.

    Palutena's Guidance (Originating from or exclusive to For 3DS/Wii U)

Like Snake's codecs before them, the Palutena's Guidance conversations are full of hilarious moments.

  • In the conversation for Robin, Chrom shows up and continues his Butt-Monkey status from Robin and Lucina's trailer. Even funnier when the characters of the same series that bring Dark Pit mock the idea of Moveset Clones without a hint of irony. Specific mentions go to:

    Pit: I wonder where Chrom is.

    Palutena: Who knows? Probably taking a nap at home.

    Chrom: I'm no idle layabout.

    Pit: Woah! Where did you come from?!

    Chrom: Robin is a skilled strategist, and master of both the Levin Sword and magic. Certainly more useful than a simple swordsman like myself.

    Chrom: Excuse me?

    Palutena: What's more, you don't have an Aether recovery move like Ike does, do you? note from a literal standpoint, this a Critical Research Failure on Palutena's part, because not only can Chrom learn Aether, but it's naturally a healing (recovery) move.

    Chrom: Quiet, you!


    Pit: Got it! This fight is in the bag!

    Viridi: We know you're trying to play the hero and all, but you can only join in if Robin gets the Smash Ball, right?

    • Just the fact that Chrom is able to join the conversation at all. Pit asked a good question; seriously, where did he come from?!
    • Chrom is already lying out of his ass the moment he pops in. One of his support conversations in Awakening has him mention the fact that one of his favorite hobbies following a battle is taking a nap. Palutena called his bluff, and she was completely right.
    • The conversation becomes very Hilarious in Hindsight as of Ultimate, where not only was Chrom finally revealed as a playable character, he's actually a Moveset Clone of Roy, not of Ike like Viridi predicted. Not only that, contrary to what Palutena stated, he does have an Aether recovery move, which is ironically the only move he copied from Ike.
  • A segment of conversation regarding Shulk.

    Palutena: That's Shulk. He's 18 years old and clocks in at 5 feet 6 inches.

    Pit: That's a pretty fancy sword he's got.

    Palutena: That's the Monado, the sword that defeated the Mechonis.

    Pit: (In a very bad British accent) Makes us look like a buncha jokers.

    • Pit's not done stealing Reyn's time.

      Palutena: But if you know his weakness, he's not too difficult to deal with.

      Pit: Let's not lose our heads, though!

  • Apparently, Pit, Palutena, and Viridi are huge Mega Man fans.

    Viridi: Hey, look! It's Mega Man!

    Pit: Is that really him?! It IS really him! WOW!!

    Pit: I wanna see his Charge Shot!

    Palutena: Flame Blast!

    Viridi: Leaf Shield!

    Pit: Rush Coil!

    Palutena: Metal Blade!

    Viridi: Spark Shock!

    Pit: Air Shooter!

    Palutena: Crash Bomber!

    Viridi: Slash Claw!

    Pit: Flame Sword!

    All three: HARD KNUCKLE!

    • This is made even funnier when you realize that this is how most people reacted to Mega Man's reveal.
  • Pit's first reaction after seeing Pac-Man...

    Pit: Wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka.

    • Immediately followed by Palutena going on about Pac-Man's biting tendencies, suggesting that Pit would taste great with some barbecue sauce.
  • Viridi mistakes Samus as "Metroid". Palutena follows up with how Link isn't called "Zelda", and Viridi mentions that Pit isn't called "Icarus".

    Pit: Ok, this joke has officially run its course.

  • The conversation on Diddy Kong gives us this gem:

    Pit: (when discussing the peanut popgun) So? I love peanuts!

    Pit: I don't know. Still sounds pretty good to me.

  • The conversation on Fox gives us Pit doing hilariously bad impressions of General Pepper and Peppy, complete with a "DO A BARREL ROLL!" shout at the end. As you can imagine, it's glorious.
  • When considering Falco, Palutena thinks that since a certain F-Zero racer has the falcon motif down, the Star Fox pilot looks more like a pheasant. note Even better because canonically, Falco IS a pheasant.

    Pit: Mmmm, sounds delicious.

  • Viridi wants Lucario to join the Forces of Nature.

    Pit: We need to focus on the fight at hand.

    Viridi: You focus on the fight at hand. I gotta catch my new recruit.

    Pit: No! Stop!

  • Viridi also knows about what Bowser does on his free time.

    Pit: When I think of Bowser, I always picture him deep in his castle, steeling himself for a fight.

  • When Palutena Alights, she suggests Pit think of it "more as a sporting event and less as… a massacre".
  • Pit doesn't like Link.

    Pit: We were both born around the same time, and we both use a bow… he's totally ripping off my style!

    Viridi: Puh-leaze! Comparing Link to you is like comparing a star to a campfire!

    Pit: What?!

    Pit: Uh, Earth to Viridi?

    Palutena: Oh, humans aren't all that bad. I could introduce you to him, if you'd like.

    Viridi: Hmph, if you insist...

  • Considering how blatantly it's stated elsewhere, Sheik's episode is Sakurai trolling his constituents.

    Pit: I wish I knew Sheik's real identity.

    Palutena: It is one of the great mysteries of our time.

    Viridi: Are you guys for real?! You can't be serious.

  • Palutena identifies Ganondorf's true form as "The King of Porkness." Viridi seems especially proud of her knowledge of "Ganon Canon" (even though she flubs it when she mentions that Ganondorf reincarnates just as much as Link and Zelda do, when he usually just gets revived from death or limbo).
  • Toon Link's guidance reminds Pit the other Link is better looking, prompting him to say:

    Pit: One Link is handsome, and the other is adorable. They're cherry-picking the best bits!

  • Pit is facing off against Greninja and its Overly Long Tongue, so what does Viridi suggest he should do?

    Viridi: As a defensive measure, I suggest rubbing spicy peppers all over yourself.

  • Pit and Viridi contemplate Meta Knight.

    Pit: I wonder what Meta Knight looks like under that mask?

    Viridi: Apparently quite similar to Kirby.

    Pit: If he took off his mask, could he inhale things too?

    Viridi: Maybe. And maybe he has Kirby's Copy Ability as well.

    Pit: So if a maskless Meta Knight copied a masked Meta Knight…

    Viridi: Well, then he'd just be back where he started.

  • Some sage advice concerning Wario. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, right, Pretty Palutena?

    Palutena: Also, eating garlic seems to make Wario very gassy.
    Pit: Ugh! TMI!
    Palutena: I'm only telling you this for your own good. He's a ticking time bomb. Watch out for his sudden farts. And all farts in general. They're gross and dangerous.
    Pit: …This job is really the worst sometimes.

  • The discussion about Yoshi, and the fact that he can apparently lay eggs despite being male, contains a beautiful Fandom Nod. note Specifically, the common fan theory that only female Yoshis lay true eggs while a male Yoshi's "eggs" are actually his feces.

    Pit: I wonder what's in those eggs. Chocolate?

  • With Mario, Pit seems more concerned about getting his autograph than battling him.

    Palutena: Fight first, fanboy later.

    Pit: Oh! Do you think he'll sign my wings??

  • After Palutena and Viridi get Lucina's backstory out of the way, the latter mentions that she's heard Lucina has a great sense of humor. note Anyone who's played Fire Emblem Awakening would know that not only is Lucina the least likely in the entire army to get a joke, but one of the few things Lucina actually laughed at in Awakening was the thought of her father carving up Inigo for getting too cozy with her. So if Pit were to say, poke fun at her? She'd probably interpret it as an actual insult and get mad.

    Viridi: You can't tell by looking at her, but I hear she has a great sense of humor.

  • In Palutena's Guidance for Pit, Pit has an important question:

    Pit: Have you noticed that I can kind of fly on my own a bit?

    Palutena: Actually, it's called jumping, Pit. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

  • Viridi straight-up gushing over Charizard's wings. Especially since from a nature standpoint, they're completely unnatural.
  • Palutena and Pit discussing Ness' PSI.

    Pit: What's PSI?
    Palutena: It's a general term for supernatural abilities.
    Pit: Supernatural? Isn't that pretty unscientific?
    Palutena: Said the angel to the goddess.
    Pit: What are you getting at?
    Palutena: Pit, we're having this conversation via telepathy. Meanwhile, the power of flight is a type of psychokinesis, and I see you from the heavens using clairvoyance. Finally, I call you back from the battlefield with something akin to teleportation.
    Pit: And believe me, I truly appreciate all that… stuff… you do… with things…

  • The Kid Icarus cast are dubious about Dr. Mario's credentials.

    Pit: I don't think that's a real doctor...
    Palutena: (laughing) I wouldn't be so sure. He delivers crushing blows, so he must be very knowledgeable about anatomy.
    Viridi: He's a quack. I hear he treats viruses by randomly throwing medication at them. Doesn't seem very safe.
    Pit: I'm so glad Skyworld doesn't have checkups…
    Palutena: Dr. Mario is slower than regular Mario, but more powerful. Don't get sent to the emergency room, there's no telling what treatment you'll get.

    • Even funnier, more than five years before the game was released, Awkward Zombie joked that Dr Mario was the Smash Brothers' medic.
  • During Zelda's guidance. Palutena offers to make a Phantom for Pit, though he's a bit skeptical after she states that it's dark magic.

    Palutena: Oh, don't be scared. I'll just equip you and-
    Pit: Uh, what will it cost me?
    Palutena: Oh, I don't know. Maybe just your… soul.
    Viridi: Hahahaha! Look at how pale he got! You're really scaring him!

    Palutena's Guidance (Exclusive to Ultimate)

Like with the previous entry, Palutena's Guidances have a lot.

  • Pit is not convinced that Daisy is not Peach reskinned.

    Pit: Princess Peach!
    Palutena: Actually, that's Princess Daisy, princess of Sarasaland. She was kidnapped by a space alien named Tatanga, but Mario rescued her.
    Pit: Right. Kidnapped, then rescued by Mario. Princess Peach!
    Palutena: No, Daisy doesn't get kidnapped as often as Peach does.
    Pit: OK, I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. "Daisy" always gets kidnapped by "Tatanga". Wink!
    Viridi: Look, Daisy is a totally different person from Peach! She's much more, like... energetic… and stuff. You know, she's a go-getter! Plus, her symbol is a daisy. Pretty cool to have a symbol that's also your name.
    Pit: Yeah, but have you ever seen Peach and Daisy in the same place at the same time?
    Palutena: Pit, if you had a symbol, it would be in the shape of an armpit.

    • Even funnier that in pre-Ultimate, the closest thing we had to Daisy was Peach's second Palette Swap, meaning that Pit would've been technically right back then.
  • When the Ice Climbers show up, Pit accuses them of cheating by fighting together, and we learn the real reason why the Ice Climbers missed Smash 4.

    Pit: Didn't they get kicked out of Smash for illegal teaming?
    Palutena: Well they're back now, so I'm pretty sure it's allowed. I mean, you could pair up with Dark Pit if you wanted to.
    Pit and Dark Pit: Never!
    Palutena: Your physical powers are equally matched. It's a perfect fit, really.
    Pit: That is true.
    Dark Pit: Hmm…
    Palutena: Now then, which one of you is the leader?
    Pit: Definitely me!
    Dark Pit: No way. I'm the leader!
    Viridi: Oh yeah. They make a perfect team.

  • Pit gets confused when Palutena and Viridi keep referring to Sheik as a "he".

    Pit: You guys do know that Sheik is just Zelda, right? In disguise? …Wait, is there a new timeline?!

  • Pit gains a crush on Zelda's redesign. Viridi takes advantage of this a couple of times.

    Viridi: Pit… Pit… Go get me a cinnamon roll…
    Pit: Right away Zel- HEY! Knock it off, Viridi!
    Viridi: Pit… Pit… Get me a glazed donut with rainbow sprinkles...
    Pit: Yes, right away! A glazed donut with rainbo- STOP IT!

  • For Pichu, Pit questions why smaller characters tend to be faster.

    Palutena: You'll understand when you grow up, Pit. One day you'll wake up unable to do things you could do in the past.
    Pit: That's… depressing. Ohhhhhhhh. Is that what it's like for you, Lady Palutena?
    Palutena: Don't make me smite you.

  • A discussion about Young Link and how his actions created the Zelda franchise's multiple timelines leads to an existential crisis.

    Pit: Wait… I'm not the only me? And nothing I do matters because another me will do the opposite? Then what's the point of doing ANYTHING?!
    Palutena: Breathe, Pit.

  • For Ganondorf, Viridi's updated her "Ganon Canon" to include the theory that it's the same guy reviving repeatedly, while Palutena mentions how only one male is born to the Gerudo every hundred years.

    Viridi: Really? They get one man, and he turns out to be Ganondorf?! Ugh, talk about your bad luck!
    Palutena: Anyway, Ganondorf gets sealed away, is resurrected, rinse and repeat ad ininitum. The end.

  • Palutena knows a lot about Mewtwo, while Viridi isn't a fan.

    Palutena: Mewtwo is a legendary Pokémon that was created using Mew's genes.
    Pit: Poor thing's a walking science experiment.
    Palutena: Mewtwo is arguably the most powerful Pokémon in existence. Some people spend their entire lives trying to catch it.
    Viridi: It's an affront to nature and must be destroyed immediately! Think about it, every action has a butterfly effect. Who knows what kind of impact it could have on the ecosystem?
    Pit: Grow a heart, Viridi! It didn't choose to be a freak of nature.

  • Pit is shocked to learn that the sword-swinging Roy is only fifteen. And apparently, Viridi has a new crush.

    Pit: Is that even legal?!
    Viridi: It is in Ostia, where Roy spends his days as a noble, being smart, brave, and dependable! (love-struck sigh) I bet he smells like heaven…
    Pit: How am I supposed to compete with a guy like that?
    Palutena: By not getting too close, for one thing. His Binding Blade is extremely powerful at close range.
    Pit: Or… maybe instead of fighting, he'd be willing to talk out our differences?
    Palutena: Don't be a baby, Pit. Just keep Roy at a distance and you'll do fine. He's only dangerous if he gets close. But once he gets close, prepare to get mauled.

  • When it's Chrom's turn, Viridi laughs that "He finally made it to the fight!" Pit gets distracted by his weapon.

    Pit: Marth's sword and Chrom's sword are both named Falchion, right? The designs seem a bit different. Are they really the same sword?
    Palutena: The sword Chrom wields is Falchion, but Marth's sword is the Exalted Falchion.
    Viridi: And Lucina's sword is the Parallel Falchion.
    Pit: Falch-ion, Fal-chi-on, that word makes no sense!
    Palutena: Falchion can become the Exalted Falchion once the Fire Emblem brings out its true form.
    Pit: If Chrom can fight Marth using a weaker sword, Chrom must be stronger!
    Viridi: I wouldn't say that. I mean, Wario launches people with farts. Pretty sure the style of weapon doesn't make a huge difference.

  • After Palutena discusses Snake's arsenal, Pit gets an idea.

    Pit: I'll bet if I put bombs on the ends of my arrows, they'd be more powerful!
    Viridi: Very original, Pit!
    Palutena: You can't attach bombs to the Arrows of Light because they aren't actual arrows.
    Pit: Okay then, let's bust out the cannons!
    Viridi: Leave the bombs and guns to Snake, you focus on what you do best. Whatever that is...

  • Upon encountering the Pokémon Trainer:

    Pit: That little twerp is bossing those Pokémon around!
    Palutena: That's the Pokémon Trainer. Looks like you'll be fighting Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard today.
    Viridi: All the original starters? This fighter is a fan of the classics!
    Pit: Do you think Pokémon get claustrophobic being trapped in those little balls?
    Palutena: I hear Poké Balls are much Bigger on the Inside.
    Viridi: Oh, but what about the weak Pokémon who get left in their balls and forgotten? I mean, everyone has like hundreds of them in their Box.
    Pit: Huh. I never thought about… PikaPit! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
    Palutena: Now, Pit, I'm sure those abandoned Pokémon are all playing together at a farm upstate.

    • Palutena could be reasonably talking about Poké Pelago if you think about it.
  • Palutena mentions that Lucas has been through a lot and fighting in Smash might be a way of coping.

    Pit: Aw, man. Now I feel bad for him.
    Palutena: Me too. Maybe you shouldn't fight him.
    Palutena: Or that...

  • When Wolf comes up, Palutena mentions how even though Wolf is the sort of mercenary who's willing to work for the likes of Andross, he has a mutual respect for his enemy Fox and the two have even teamed up on occasion. She then compares their relationship with Pit and Dark Pit. Guess who butts in?

    Dark Pit: What?! We're nothing like that! I DON'T respect him and we're sure not all buddy-buddy!
    Palutena: See, you guys are just like them.
    Viridi: You even have the same "glorified Palette Swap" thing, uh, going on…

  • Pit isn't sure whether the world's most famous fighting game character is "Rye-u" or "Ree-u".

    Palutena: He's faced off against all kinds of competitors over the years.
    Viridi: Cyborgs, androids, mutants, giant monsters, super heroes, aliens, and demons, to name a few.
    Pit: Well then. Let's add "handsome angels" to that list, eh?
    Palutena: Ryu has two Final Smashes, Shinku Hadoken and Shin Shoryuken. Shin Shoryuken is a delight to behold. Try to get hit by it!
    Pit: Not fair! Lady Palutena, will you give me a move that people want to be hit with?
    Palutena: Okay, Pit, but only if you stop making dumb jokes. Can I ask that of you?
    Pit: SURE YOU CAN!
    Viridi: You walked right into that one.

  • Pit knows about Ken, for reasons one might not expect.
    • Palutena gives some rather on-topic guidance for Ken, but then...

      Palutena: OK, gossip time! Did you know Ken's wife Eliza is also Julia's sister, and Julia is married to Guile?
      Pit: What?! So Ken is Guile's brother-in-law?!

  • Pit's response upon seeing Cloud is "And I thought my hair was spiky."
    • And Viridi just has to make a "Don't let Cloud rain on your parade" joke. Wait…
    • Viridi mentions that Cloud's Finishing Touch Limit Break is particularly deadly because of its launch potential, in spite of its inability to do any real damage on its own. If you happen to be playing Stamina mode, Pit will chime in that he doesn't need to worry about Finishing Touch because of that.
  • And when Corrin shows up:

    Pit: For Nohr! For Hoshido! I make my own fate!
    Palutena: Sounds like someone finally finished all three paths.

    • The sheer implication that Pit has actually played Fates. And shilled out the hearts for the extra paths. Even though he never learned how to read (though the line about not knowing how to read was only in English).
    • While discussing how Corrin ended up being set against their own family:

      Pit: But all the siblings have dragon blood in their veins, right? Why can't they just be one big happy family?
      Palutena: If only it could be that simple.
      Viridi: You're thinking about it too hard. The roots may be more important than the branches, but you need the branches to... uh... get the fruit. Or, whatever.

  • Pit is still terrified of Bayonetta.
    • What makes the final line better is that in the previous game, it was often said that the best way to escape Bayonetta's combos was to SDI — which is done by wiggling the thumbstick quickly in a certain direction. In a way, Viridi's advice is valid.
    • In regards to the first line, this comes with the implication that either the Bayonetta franchise and the Kid Icarus franchise are in the same universe, or that Umbra Witches exist in the Kid Icarus universe as a persistent threat against Skyworld.
  • As the trio discuss how the Inkling civilization arose millennia after the extinction of humanity:

    Viridi: Inklings rose to power 12,000 years after mammals went extinct.
    Pit: EXTINCT?!
    Viridi: Yup. The monkeys were eradicated! BOOYAH!!
    Pit: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second! If I'm fighting against an Inkling, then… WHAT YEAR IS IT RIGHT NOW?!
    Palutena: Don't think about it too hard, Pit. It'll make your brain sweat.
    Pit: Twelve thousand years of missed meals? Aw, man...

    • Viridi is just enthusiastic that the Inkling's species took over the planet after humans died out. Viridi's cheering gets a bit funnier when you realize that the nature goddess who hates humans is effectively praising squids doing all the human things she hates.
  • What does Pit say for Ridley?
  • Palutena mentions that Simon's whip, the Vampire Killer, has been passed down along the Belmont line for generations.

    Viridi: I wonder how many monsters and demons it's vanquished? It must smell terrible!

  • When Pit calls upon Palutena for tips to help him fight Richter, Alucard makes a guest appearance in a similar vein to Chrom in the last Smash game. When Pit learns that Dracula is Alucard's father, he blurts out this:

    Pit: Dracula's your dad?! That's so cool! Hey, do you have fangs? Are they sharp?

    • After Viridi points out Alucard having blood-sucking fangs, Pit panics, insisting he needs his blood. Alucard reassures Pit that he doesn't like the taste of blood.
    • If your language is set to Korean, the Castlevania characters recycle their English voice acting rather than their Japanese. This includes Alucard, so listen as he speaks English to the Japanese-speaking Kid Icarus cast. Oh, and they understand each other!
  • Viridi is disdainful of K. Rool's Kremlings and their love of bananas.

    Pit: I thought Donkey Kong was the one who liked bananas?
    Viridi: I'm pretty sure all mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers like bananas. They're like the litmus test for idiocy.
    Pit: I don't know what that means, but I love bananas!
    Viridi: The prosecution rests!

  • Pit confuses Isabelle for a lost dog, and offers to check her collar. Those who played Kid Icarus: Uprising will recall that he Never Learned to Read (though this is only said in the English version of the game).

    Palutena: That's Isabelle. She has bells on her head. That's why she Is-a-belle! Her day job is assistant to the mayor of some town. I hear that she's the town's hardest worker. She's also cute, courageous, and modest, which is why everyone loves her!
    Viridi: Hmm, she's overrated if you ask me.
    Pit: No. One. Did. If Isabelle has so much going for her, why is she fighting in Smash?
    Palutena: Yeah, it seems like a weird choice. Maybe she just wants to get some exercise.
    Pit: There's gotta be better ways to get the blood pumping.

  • With Incineroar, Palutena explains its Revenge move and how it can buff itself by taking damage.

    Pit: If that happens, I'll just let everyone else fight Incineroar until it wears off. Then I'll swoop in and steal the KO!
    Viridi: Sure, if you wanna be THAT guy. Might as well edge-guard while you're at it.

  • Viridi geeking out over Piranha Plant.

    Pit: Is that a... Piranha Plant?!
    Palutena: Not so loud! She'll hear you!
    Pit: Oh no.
    Viridi: I wrote my thesis on Piranha Plants! There are just so many species! You got your basic Piranha Plants, your Fire Piranha Plants, Ptooies, Nipper Plants, Nipper Spores, Munchers, Jumping Piranhas, Wild Ptooie Piranhas, Propeller Piranhas, Naval Piranhas, Chewies, Megasmilax, Piranha Pests, Piranha Sprouts, Frost Piranhas, Putrid Piranhas, Proto Piranhas, Piranhabons, Piranha Beans, Mom Piranhas, Small Piranhas, Elasto-Piranhas, Piranha Planets, Bungee Piranhas, Big Bungee Piranhas, Ghosts, Nipper Dandelions, Spiny Piranhas, Dino Piranhas, Fire Stalking Piranhas, Piranha Plorps, River Piranhas, Big Piranhas, Stalking Piranhas, Big Fire Piranhas, Prickly Piranhas, Peewee Piranhas, Inky Piranhas, Gold Piranhas, Bone Piranhas, Big Bone Piranhas, Piranha Pods, Piranha Creepers, Nipper Spore Patches, Paper Fire Piranhas, Poison Piranhas, Big Poison Piranhas, Upside-Down Piranhas, Petey Piranha, Paper Petey Piranha, Petea Piranha-
    Pit: Whoa!
    Viridi: I haven't even started on all the minor variations!
    Palutena: Enough, Viridi! I never want to hear the word "Piranha" ever again!
    Pit: I guess that means I'm not getting any fighting tips. Thanks, Viridi.

    • Knowing that Viridi was telling the truth, she hadn't finished listing all the major Piranha Plants before getting cut off.


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